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Audio Description: What All You Need to Know

Audio description is an additional audio track which narrates the actions, characters, scene changes, and other visual elements going on in between the dialogues. It is intended primarily for blind or low vision viewers and is available for movies, television, live performances, stage shows, and even sporting events. This narration service is highly helpful for people who are unable to get the full picture something happening on stage or on screen.

Currently, all the original content of Netflix is available with audio description. iTunes also has the most extensive library of titles that have audio description available to download.

Audio description is often referred to as Video description and visual description. You can assess it on TV as a separate audio track, or in cinemas or live shows by using audio description equipment.

In the case of museums or art exhibitions, audio described tours are organized, especially for the blind and visually challenged people.

Types of Audio Description

Now that you’re aware of what Audio Description is, let’s looks at its types:

1. Standard Audio Description: If your video has a lot of natural pauses, then Standard AD works best. It is when a narrator describes the visual details within the natural spaces in the dialogue of the regular soundtrack. Therefore, there is no need to increase the length of the video.

2. Extended Audio Description: Extended AD is helpful for videos that do not have enough natural pauses in the main soundtrack. It involves temporarily pausing the video to allow the narrator to deliver the required information. So, you will end up with a video that’s longer than the original video.

Choosing the type of audio description usually depends on factors such as the type of video. For example, if your video is meant for entertainment purpose, Standard AD can be used to deliver without any extra pauses and increasing the duration of the video. On the other hand, Extended AD suits best for Educational videos as such videos require necessary breaks. Without such pauses, the audio describers will not be able to explain the graphs, tables, and other visual information that is not fully described in the main video.

How to make Audio description?

Are you thinking about producing Audio Description? Here are some points you must follow:

1. Make notes of all the visual elements happening in the original video.
2. Record where and for how long the gaps occur between the dialogue and sound effects.
3. Once noted, write an audio description script and record the voice-over track. It must be relevant to the main plot and structure of the video.
4. Finally, add it to the original video.

While selecting the Audio Description service provider, make sure that they specialize in your type of content. Some providers don’t offer both the kinds of Audio Description. So, do proper research before making any commitment.

Audio description creation requires a lot of time, resources, and money. If done correctly, it can be critical accommodation for the visually impaired population.

Find the best partner for all your Audio Description requirements – DUBnSUB. DUBnSUB is a full-service post-production company based in Gurgaon, India with branch offices in Myanmar, France, Germany, and the USA. We offer high-quality Audio Description services at competitive costs in more than 70 languages through an extensive partner network of more than 2000 professional audio describers, transcribers and experienced team of production managers.

For any requirement/queries, please contact [email protected] or give us a call at +91 124 498 2484. We will be more than happy to help!

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